Launch of The Durant Guild
A Fearless Future Rooted in a Fearless Beginning.The Durant Guild pays homage to General Motors’ founder and automotive legend William C. Durant. The mission of the Durant Guild is to bring together a community of visionary individuals, fearless doers, who share the belief that "what I do matters." This belief gives them the strength to persevere, fearlessly challenge the status quo, and take calculated risks to actively create a better future for all.
Building the Durant Guild Platform
The Durant Guild empowers its members to live the "Do What Matters" vision through a dynamic community. Its operating strategy is built on iterative testing and learning. By designing rewarding opportunities for co-creation and inspiration, the Guild fosters a strong community, cultivates a deep appreciation for the brand and its iconic vehicles, and enriches the daily lives of its members.
Recruited over 21,000 members within 24 hours
Generated over 31 million views within just 24 hours
32,000 members in one week