This is the People’s Message

United Nations

The People’s Seat

The UN introduces Seat 194 - its most united voice ever

Climate change is a problem which out-scales any single nation. Indeed, it is a problem shared and voiced by all.

Your Voice at the Table


In collaboration with Sir David Attenborough, Grey worked with the United Nations to launch the 194th seat at the UN Climate Change Conference. While the first 193 seats were reserved for country leaders, the 194th seat belonged to the voices of the people, crowdsourced via social media. This movement manifested itself via a physical seat and the first-ever, “The People’s Speech Address,” delivered by Sir David Attenborough.

Sir David Attenborough said: “We are facing our greatest threat in thousands of years: climate change. If we don’t take action, the collapse of our civilizations is on the horizon. This is the most important seat you’ll ever take.”

Alison Smale - U.N
To take action in ways that are feasible, fresh and have an impact.
Michael Moller, Director-General of U.N
We have a chance to combat it successfully.
Michal Kurtyka, Polish Secretary of State
Ensuring the greatest possible transparency.

With no media budget, The People’s Seat and The People’s Speech Address resulted in 200 countries signing an agreement to cap greenhouse gas emissions, an historic world-first.

1.3 billion

People reached

200 countries


“This is a movement; it has to be carried by the people.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger, USC Schwarzenegger Institute