The Anti-Racist Bag

Racismo Zero and Zumbi dos Palmares University

Carry Anti-Racism Wherever You Go

The accessory that takes a stand against the discrimination of the bag search Black Brazilians face while shopping.
2024 Cannes Lions Silver Winner

Despite the “safety protocol” pretext, racial profiling continues to affect Black people in Brazil, as they continue to be stalked in stores and face aggressive and hostile behaviour from security personnel. However, a significant shift has occurred in Brazilian legislation, Law N° 14.532/2023: both racism and racial offence crimes are now categorised the same, carrying identical penalties of two to five years of imprisonment plus a fine.

Designed to Exercise Your Legal Rights on the Spot.


To raise awareness and protest racial profiling in stores, we worked alongside fashion designer Naya Violeta, who crafted a bag that is intentionally bold, loud, and hard to ignore. The handbag features a tag on the inside containing the main text of Law N° 14.532/2023 and a QR Code that provides an immediate and easy way to report an incident to legal authorities and for victims to receive support.

Limited-edition bags were given to influencers to promote the initiative, and thousands of labels incorporating Law N°14.532/2023 are being handed out for others to pin into their bags.

CNN Brazil
“A Really Important Initiative.”
“Anti-Racist Handbag Empowers Black Brazilians to Seek Justice.”
“An Unusual Bag Was Created to Fight Racism in Brazil.”
Antiracist Bag 5.JPG

The anti-racist designer bag instantly became an item of desire, with audiences expressing interest in purchasing the socially impactful accessory; the impact continues with free tags of Law N° 14.532/2023 available to download and print at for people to continue their anti-racist efforts. On a large scale, companies, including Procter & Gamble, Carrefour Group, Ambev, and Cielo, have committed to actively training about 320,000 employees to be anti-racist agents.